Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Barbie says, "Gmar Chatimah Tovah"

THOU has seen, O Israel, 
How, for the sake of creation, 
The One Life that I am
Seemeth to divide itself,
Becoming two. 
Of these two, I have made known to thee 
My superior nature, the Crown of Primal Will 
Wherein I have my supreme abode.
Hearken now, 
While I expound the mystery of mine inferior nature, 
Which standeth in the Tree of Life 
As the Sephirah of Wisdom.
Forget not that these two, 
Though they be named superior and inferior, 
Are in truth of equal rank.
As it is written: “That which is below is as that which is above, 
And that which is above is as that which is below.” 
Be thou not led astray by their false doctrine 
Who ascribe to the inferior nature 
Somewhat less of power and worth 
Than inhereth in the superior. 
The two are as the pans of a balance. 
Each hath its own peculiar quality.
Each hath its appointed sphere of operation. 
One cometh not before the other, 
But together they exist 
From everlasting to everlasting.
Mine inferior nature is the universal substance, 
The divine mirror
Wherein I, who dwell at the heart of all things, 
Am reflected to myself.
To the uninstructed, therefore, 
Who mistake the reflection for that which is reflected, 
My secondary nature seemeth to be more interior 
Than the Primal Will. 
This error may be likened to the illusion which ariseth 
When one seeth a room reflected in a glass, 
And thinketh he seeth the room itself. 
For though what presenteth itself in the mirror of
Wisdom is internal, 
The medium of reflection hath its place in the without, 
In the realm of secondary and created things.
As the substance whence all forms arise, 
The vehicle of my divine essence, 
Mine inferior nature is to the superior 
As is passive to active,
As woman to man,
As Eve to Adam. 
Yet to every Light of Emanation
Proceeding from it on the Tree of Life 
Doth this same Wisdom stand as Root and Source. 
Hence in the Scripture is Wisdom spoken of as a woman, 
As when it is said, “Wisdom hath builded her a house”; 
But elsewhere to this same Wisdom 
The wise assign the title AB, the Father. 
Never is the heavenly Wisdom known as Mother, 
For She is the virgin substance of all things, 
Whose purity naught can defile.
Remember now that I myself am the pure KNOWING 
Whence all manifestation ariseth. 
Recall to mind that my superior nature is the Primal Will, the Eternal Watcher, 
Under whose regard the stream of creation floweth. 
The substance of the stream is the inferior nature, 
Wherein I see innumerable images of myself. 
These be all things and creatures, great and small.
Whatever existeth 
Is as a ripple on the surface of the stream, 
But all are of the one substance. 
Thus all share in the peculiar quality
Of the stream itself, 
Which is the mirror of myself to myself,
The root of all remembrance.
Creation is the record of mine ever-changing manifestation. 
All things bear the imprint of the history of the universe. 
Nothing of mine activity escapeth this record. 
In it do men share, because they, too,
Are parts of the stream of mine inferior nature. 
Thus are they partakers in my perfect recollection, 
Which is the source of all memories, 
And the root of all the wisdom of mankind.
All wisdom, therefore, 
Is summed up in knowledge of me. 
To gain this is the aim of all research, 
Of all works, of all devotion. 
From knowledge of me cometh the lesser knowledge 
Of the things which I have brought forth.
Of no avail is this lesser knowledge 
Unless it be founded upon the knowledge 
Of my superior and inferior natures.
Hence it is written: 
“Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth, 
And thy days shall be long.” 
To keep me in vivid remembrance is to unite thyself 
To the subtle principle of Life Eternal.
Mine inferior nature is the bond of union 
Between myself and all created beings. 
Hence it is likened to GIMEL, the camel,
Which bringeth a man safe 
Through desert wastes from city to city. 
Again it is likened to GIMEL 
Because the camel beareth rich and costly merchandise. 
And again, for that the camel betokeneth
Travel and communication, 
Being thus a symbol of change, 
And of the flux and mingling of ideas 
Borne upon the stream of memory.
Happy is he who bestrideth 
This camel of mine inferior nature 
Which bringeth them who learn the secret of its mastery
Unto me, their Lord. 
A task most difficult and laborious 
Is the conquest of the power of recollection. 
Strength and courage and patience must they have
Who would gain this victory; 
But these shall be as kings and princes in this world, 
And even as gods in the world to come.
~ Paul Foster Case The Book of Tokens Meditation on Gimel

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Secret of all Spiritual Activities

"My secret wisdom is hid in number, 
And in the sign of the Tally
Is concealed the building of the whole creation.

Number veileth the power of the Elohim, 
For number is that thick darkness whereof it is written,
"And Moses drew near unto the thick darkness 
Where God was"; and again,
"Tetragrammaton said that he would dwell In the thick darkness."

Ye shall know that this darkness is Egypt, 
And by the wisdom hidden in that darkness 
Did Moses lead Israel forth.
In the darkness which is Egypt
Is the darkness of number, 
Concealing the One in the cloud of the Many. 
Of that darkness the Serpent is a sign, 
That Great Serpent, the royal snake of Egypt.

This is the Serpent of temptation, Yet from it cometh forth redemption.
For the Serpent is the first appearance of the Anointed One,
And that which casteth Adam out from the garden of the East,
Even that shall bring him back once more to Paradise.
Thus in TETH is shown the secret
Of the going forth and the return, 
For TETH is the serpent coiled around the Tau.

This is the sign of the Name of Names, 
Which none may utter.

Again, it is the symbol of the Tree of Divine Perfections, 
Encircled by the power of the letters 
Wherewith is formed the whole creation.

And because the Tally referreth to counting, 
And so to all the works of number,
By this letter do I show— 
First, that all things are brought forth through number, 
And second, that all works of power accomplished by
the wise 
Have number for their foundation.
For the circle of the Tally 
Is the coiled fiery power
Which cometh from the sun, 
And to rule this, thou must learn to count.

Count aright, 
And thou shalt have oil for thy lamps, 
For the oil for lighting. 
Containeth the secret of the letter TETH. 
This is the oil which riseth like a serpent, 
The oil which thy father Jacob 
Poured upon the Stone in the House of Strength.

Verily, he who knoweth the secret of that Stone, 
Knoweth also the secret of the Serpent, 
And in him shall be fulfilled the saying:
"When Israel was a child, 
Then I loved him, 
And called my Son out of Egypt."

And he who knoweth this shall be a Measurer of Mercy, 
And all his works shall be rooted
In the strength of my Law."

~ Paul Foster Case in The Book of Tokens (Meditation on Teth)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Twilight Chapter 14 Audio Recording

Something new this evening. I've always been told I have a nice speaking voice, and so I decided to try my hand at recording an audiobook. I recently began rereading the Twilight series for the eighth consecutive time, and took the time to compile some heartwarming images of Edward and Bella to slide through whilst I read my one of my favorite chapters. I hope you all enjoy it. Cheers!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Parasites: As Above So Below


An acupuncturist friend of mine handed me a document the other day by a certain Heiner Fruehauf on Gu Syndrome. This Gu Syndrome refers to demonic possession in Traditional Chinese Medicine, but may actually have a simple modern explanation, or at least one that material reductionists can wrap their mud heads around.

The ancient Chinese Gu Syndrome may in fact be endoparasites. You know - ringworms, tapeworms, pin worms.

According to the Book of Records (Shiji), in 91 BCE (a little before the virginal vaginal birth of Jesus Christ), a "Gu incident" claimed the lives of tens of thousands in China. They were reportedly killed by some black magic voodoo shenanigans involving spell-cast wooden puppets. That very well may be, but I'll bet you a bowl of miso soup those gooks were pounding a high complex carb diet (ala The China Study) and feeding the demons within.

There's no doubt in my mind, reading Fruehauf's description of Gu and watching Markus Rothkratz's infomercial above, that parasites are a force to reckoned with.

The Witness 

More relevant than endoparasites are their social and spiritual counterparts. It makes sense to me that people hosting parasites act like parasites and that people acting like parasites throw off energy to feed spiritual parasitic intelligences roaming the ethers. It's a sort of like an MLM, but way cooler and scarier with songs from the Ozzmosis album playing in the background.

Manly P. Hall writes in his tome Secret Teachings of All Ages that the Rosicrucians regarded parasites, germs, microbes, etc. as the physiological counterpart of demons, malicious spirits, boogie men, etc. They worked to remove the demons by removing the parasites through fasting, herbs, or tinctures. Whether one experiences parasites as ghosts or worms or both, the bottom line is these bastards must be beat down by any and all means.

According to David Wolfe, garlic will chase them all away.

Me, I'm less concerned with gouls. My bone is with the egregores in the attic that make parasitic behavior possible in the basement. Wiki says that an egregore is a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the meme. (Have fun with all those hyperlinks.)

Here's a picture of the McDonalds egregore... er... corporation:
Here's a photo I found of the Monsanto egregore: 
Corporations are not people. Corporations are parasitic monsters. Garlic doesn't work on these nefilim. 

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ~ Ephesians 6:2 

In the words of the esteemed anarchist, William Wallace - Burn it.

Keep watching.