Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Aurora Breakdown

As investigations into the Aurora Theater Shooting continue to unfold, several noteworthy points are surfacing.

The splash above outlines these, but I want to provide articles for each point.

Here goes:

1) The Aurora Shooting was a staged psy-op for gun control.

2) James Holmes' father, Dr. Robert Holmes, is associated with the DARPA program.

3) James Holmes studied at Anshultz Medical Campus (formerly the Fizsimons Army Medical Center).

4) The Holmes' family is from an elite transgenerational military family. His grandfather was a lieutenant colonel, and one of the first to graduate the Army Language School, now called the Defense Language Institute (where alleged 9/11 hijacker Saeed Alghamdi trained).

5) The Aurora Theater Shooting was furthermore a warning to James's father, Robert Holmes, not to testify. Robert Holmes has crippling evidence of the LIBOR scam. Using his recently completed algorithms, he has uncovered the biggest bank fraud in history.

So there it is, all in one place. Kinda...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chick-Fil-A and Commodification

The Chick-Fil-A controversy is tangential to a bigger issue. The problem here has nothing to do with Dan Cathy's personal beliefs, which he felt obliged to insert into the interview.  It is an issue that Cathy touches upon, ironically, in a clarification offered on behalf of the company. 

“We don’t claim to be a Christian business,” Cathy told the Biblical Recorder in a recent visit to North Carolina. He attended a business leadership conference many years ago where he heard Christian businessman Fred Roach say, “There is no such thing as a Christian business.”

“That got my attention,” Cathy said. Roach went on to say, “Christ never died for a corporation. He died for you and me… In that spirit … [Christianity] is about a personal relationship. Companies are not lost or saved, but certainly individuals are,” Cathy added. “But as an organization we can operate on biblical principles. So that is what we claim to be. [We are] based on biblical principles, asking God and pleading with God to give us wisdom on decisions we make about people and the programs and partnerships we have. And He has blessed us.”

Nested in all that fundamentalist weirdness is a vital message: Corporations are not people! If Christ cannot die for a corporation, it is because a corporation does not have a soul. Corporatism is deeply problematic because it reduces humanity to commodity - as asset or liability. Corporatism is simply a permutation of nationalism and globalism - all dehumanize the individual and humanize the collective.

Dan Cathy's comments are important because they contain the remaining vestiture of an obsolete worldview. They are provocative because he is clearly delineating the habiliments we are leaving behind.

Regarding his comments on marriage: “We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit... We are very much committed to that,” Cathy emphasized. “We intend to stay the course... We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles.”

Cathy suffers from a great deal of ignorance about where those family values come from. Long story short, marriage originated as the design of modern men during a time when women were a man's legal property. The term "husband" further refers to the institutionalized form in relation to the spouse and offspring. Compare with the similar "husbandry" which in the 14th century referred to the care of the household, but today means the "control or judicious use of resources", conservation, and in agriculture, the cultivation of plants and animals, and the science about its profession. 

Bottom line is that Cathy's values are about control through the objectification and commodification of women, homosexuals, animals, and resources, in general. It is the "family" friendly variation of globalist, intelligencia values. In the former, you are a demographic. In the latter, you are a statistic. Faceless, nameless... a unit of power.

So let's talk about how the egregore Chick-Fil-A husbands chickens... 

... how Hitler husbands gays...

... how Republicans husband the earth...

Do the math. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Pour You Out a Blessing, Fool!

God moves in mysterious ways. It appears the religious icon of the Aquarian Age has descended upon us with the compensatory fire and fervor such grace imbues. Before we imbibe fully of this Biblical fruition, I want to share with you the prophetic text I have selected to support this new idol, for no supersessionist teaching subsists on its own merit. It must undergo scriptural peer review.

Micah 3:10 says, "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."

The appearance of the implement for such pouring has been ushered in by the current economic crisis! All the proverbial tithes are in the storehouse thanks to exploitative efforts of the 1%, in whom we trust. With unilateral decisions such as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and the epic swaths of Red Tape used by the bureaucratic pawns of said percentile, the tithes have been neatly relegated into the hands of the pharaohs, and we, impoverished humanity, have suffered our share of Piscean piss upon! 

Behold a new symbol of trickle down for thirsty lands! 

My prophetic friend and colleague, (I'll call him Brother Brody), found his own sacred artifact in the woods near his abode. Moved by the spirit, he promptly sent me this photo of his destined discovery. He  has started a not-for-profit religious organization in hopes of raising funds to build a shrine around this blessed miracle, metaphor for socialist-corporatist ruse and the relinquishment of life-force into the hands of our capable shepherds, who promise to ration out our hydration in moral measure for the "greatest good".

For more information, or to donate, you may write to Brother Brody's Crazy Watering Can Foundation at holyhuckster@trustmeyouneedmeandmyhandycansoyoucan.org

Let the Age of the Water Bearer begin!

Trading Guns for Drugs

According to statistics compiled by Mike Adams of the Natural News, you are 62 times more likely to be killed by your doctor than by a violent shooting. Commenting on the 106,000 yearly deaths from nonerror, adverse effects of medications, Adams states, "To reach this number from outbreaks of violent shootings, you'd have to see an Aurora Colorado Batman movie massacre take place every hour of every day, 365 days a year."

These statistics come from combining two meta-analyses, namely: 1) The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Vol 284, No 4, July 26, 2000, and 2) "Deaths: Final Data for 2007". National Vital Statistics Reports (CDC) 58(19): 11, painting a grim picture of the medical industry and a caricature of the Aurora theater shooting. 

Another statistical breakdown by the Benton County News Tribune from November 17th, 1999 shows that while the number of gun owners in the U.S. was 80 million (that year), the number of yearly accidental gun deaths (amongst all age groups) was a mere 1,500. This means that the number of accidental deaths per gun owner per year was 0.0000188. Comparatively, the number of total active physicians, according to the 2001 edition of the Statistical Abstract of the United States, was 720,855. The statistics found 12,000 deaths yearly from unnecessary surgeries; 7,000 deaths yearly from medication errors in hospitals; 20,000 deaths yearly from other errors in hospitals; 80,000 deaths yearly from infections in hospitals; 106,000 deaths yearly from non-error, negative effects of drugs. This comes to a total of 225,000. This comes to 0.354 deaths per physician per year. 

In summary, doctors are 18,800 times more deadly than gun owners.

What does this tell us in light of the fact that the government, per Obamacare, has just mandated health care reform. It is ironic, in the face of these statistics, that bullets flying in excess on the big screen will earn a film a "Restricted" rating, but drug commercials air indiscriminately on prime time television. 

We're trading in our guns for drugs, and the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty will expedite the process.  Slated to be signed by world leaders today, the Treaty will launch an initiative against gun owners everywhere, as international gun control law threatens to trump the U.S. Second Amendment.

I don't mean to belabor this point, but I believe this is the big game changer. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Non-conspiracy Conspiracy

A Lil’ Wayne video released just two days before the Aurora massacre features a woman dressed in a black feathered bat costume and skeletons seated in a movie theater.

There are 13 skeletons (count them) in the scene described, not 12, as is being widely circulated. The camera pulls back to reveal many more skeletons than the 13 in the close up shot. Twelve were killed during the shooting, but this point isn’t worth belaboring. The general theme is eerie.

Alex Jones’ website Infowars states:

“As has always been done, the powers-that-be (probably even higher than the owners and managers of the Universal Republic Records label) stipulate certain scenes that absolutely have to appear in videos for them to be funded. This is all part of a ritualistic satanic “spell” they try to cast that offers the public a hidden reveal before an actual event takes place, a form of predictive programming… This, in effect, “sealed the deal” and supernaturally charged the ritualistic sacrifices that took place making them all the more powerful.”

The director of the video is reported to have tweeted, "It's just sad that people try an associate a tragedy to a music video that was created by having fun nothing more," director Parris tweeted. "I'm not that deep or sick to put cryptic messages in my videos purely art and entertainment."

To which I would respond, “Oh yes you are Mr. Parris… We are all that deep and cryptic... We just don’t know it.”

It occurred to me in my earliest forays into philosophy and fellatio that what is far more disturbing than a grand conspiracy is the lack of one.

What if all these coincidences that we ascribe such vast meaning to, are simply that? What if there is no grand agenda for good or ill? What if there is only chaos and our frail attempts to organize it? What if this happens first in our heads as desperate, scrambling free association in the mind, and second, socially, in our frantic fraternizing and affiliating? I’m neither denying nor affirming a grand conspiracy. I’m simply questioning the synchronicities and their value.

I will take this a step further, because I have personally seen beyond the veil and understand some things about patterns and prophecy. What if the video’s director was inspired by the same muse that spoke to Holmes? What if the coincidence is the result of a spiritual frequency that both Parris and Holmes tapped into and created artistically and literally through their respective mediums? Perhaps Parris accidentally prophesied the tragic events that would transpire just two days later.

Then again maybe Lil' Wayne's bizarre video was merely the subliminal wake up alarm to set Holmes, an FBI mind-warped sleeper, into action (like River in the film Serenity). Or, more likely, maybe Holmes just got the idea from the video because the day of its release he sent a notebook to his university containing scribblings of stick figures being shot and a written description of an upcoming attack.

Who knows... Maybe someone out there does, but isn't it a little more unnerving to speculate that no one may?

If we are all connected; if we are all linked into the same noosphere, populated by memes and memories made increasingly easy to access and cross reference in our information age; then the video may simply be a testimony to our unity and not, as some would posit, proof of Satanic puppetry.

The video is for a rap titled “My Homies Still” and the lyrics that correlate with the skeleton movie theater scene recite: “I’m east side, them haters nodding going west. My niggas pumping so much bass, motherfuckas going deaf. Weezy F, I’m eastside, my niggas Sean from the west. My niggas pumping so much bass. Yea… Uhhh… Young Mula… Truk your girl…”

These all seem to be quaint colloquialisms regarding respect for Sean Combs and brand recognition. Try as I may, I cannot extract any other meaning from them than this…

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Trick or Gun Treaty

In case you haven't heard, the tragic Holmes shooting in Aurora occurred just weeks before the UN Gun Treaty is to be signed. 

Earlier this month, Larry Bell of Forbes spelled out the dangers of the ATT, specifically: the globalist treaty will force strict licensing requirements for firearms ownership; create an international gun registry; and mandate that all “unauthorized” firearms (including semi-automatic “assault” rifles) be confiscated and destroyed.
“In short, overriding our national sovereignty, and in the process, providing license for the federal government to assert preemptive powers over state regulatory powers guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment in addition to our Second Amendment rights,” Bell warns.

Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton also warns that the agreement “is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.”
A letter sent last month by 130 Republican House members to President Obama argued that the treaty should be rejected because it infringes on the “fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms”. The letter adds that “…the U.N.’s actions to date indicate that the ATT is likely to pose significant threats to our national security, foreign policy, and economic interests as well as our constitutional rights.”
Today, the Dark Knight himself, Christian Bale visited theater shooting victims at the Medical Center of Aurora.... as damn well he should. But as this entire affair progresses the line between fantasy and reality is blurring. Consider the Batman himself is anti-gun. The psychological impact of his parents' murders left him with a hatred of all things banging. He won't shoot one and destroys them regularly in his comic portrayals. So, again, he's the perfect patsy for this little charade to disarm the public. 
However, the situation seems to have backfired, at least temporarily, as background checks for gun purchases rose more than 41% following the early morning massacre. People are beginning to realize that they, not the authorities, are their own best line of defense. This trend is a natural extension of what nutrition enthusiasts have understood for years. You cannot trust your doctor with your health. You cannot trust the police with your safety. You cannot trust the government with... well... much of anything. We are on schedule for a new world order - A natural order some refer to as anarchy. If that word has negative connotations for you, I recommend a personal review of your programming. Civilization needs you to need it, and it is in the best interest of that egregore to make you scared of life without it.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told CNN's Piers Morgan last night that he doesn't "understand why police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say we’re going to go on strike, we’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe."

Earlier this year, The New York Times reprinted a Department of Justice press release and placed this lede on top of it: “As violent crime has decreased across the country, a disturbing trend has emerged: Rising numbers of police officers are being killed.”

This is patent horseshit
*In 2008, ten times more civilians regular people were killed by cops than cops were killed by perps.
*In 2011, 72 cops were shot and killed in the entire U.S.; in L.A. County alone, cops shot and killed 54 suspects the same year–22 percent of those people were unarmed.
*As Scott Reeder reported at Reason this morning, “Farmers, ranchers, commercial fishermen, loggers, garbage collectors, truck drivers, construction workers, pilots, steel workers, roofers, and others are far more likely to face death on the jobs than police or firefighters, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.”
*And as Choire Sicha wrote earlier this year, “2008 was the ten-year low for police officers being killed, and 2012 is, so far, year-to-date, down 49% from last year.”
In light of these statistics, I'd say the medicine is poisonous, but what else is new. The bottom line is that everything we're being sold is a lie. The Now we live in requires us to take 100% responsibility for our health, our safety, and our souls. It requires for good or ill that we are accountable for our role in the conditions that surround us, and it requires that we hold others to that same level of accountability. 

Anarchy is not the absence of rule... it is ultimately Self rule. Is there any other way considering the gross mismanagement all around us?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Borrowing Bullets

The FBI, the CIA, or simply liberal political agenda has hit two birds with one Holmes in the wake of the Aurora theater massacre. (I won't call it the Batman Massacre, as it's melodramatic and unfair to Batman.) Firstly, they have attacked the 2nd Amendment. The media declares with woah, "We victims of our own Constitution... he obtained those weapons legally..." Secondly, they have attacked our platform for communication about it - the internet. "We victims of an unregulated web... he learned how to make bombs on that there uncensored internet..."

With the recent U.N. Agenda 21 and with CISPA passed in the House of Representatives, the Aurora shooting could just be perfect for turning public opinion in large favor of gun prohibition and a highly regulated internet. This is happening now, while Americans bop to Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe", gape at the latest caped crusader suckfest, or beat off to amateur porn. Pick your favorite distraction. 

Meanwhile cops in Anaheim are shooting kids and moms with rubber bullets... oh, and we're about to fight a likely needless war with Iran. 

Watching the victims cringe and cower in Anaheim got me to thinking, "What the hell is wrong with people?"

The answer came to me today when I was put on task investigating the secret life of Gandhi. Gandhi, like Jesus, has become a symbol of the efficacy of pacifism in creating cultural change. The stories of these "great men" have become the symbols of a generation of cowards masquerading under the guise of spiritual superiority. I mean, Jesus... the Christian symbol is a cross - 2,000 year old electric chair equivalent. We've been told the high road is one of voluntary suffering before we knew America existed.

Problem is, these mythological figures don't exist. For the straight skinny on Mohandas K. go here and read it all. As for Rabbi Yeshua (aka Jesus), it's looking more and more like he was Essene, and that group was zealous as "get out", as demonstrated by the immaculate temper tantrum in the temple described in Mark 11:15–1911:27–33Matthew 21:12–17,21:23–27 and Luke 19:45–4820:1–8.

Nevertheless, we humans can find justification for any flaw we're packing, be it our rage, our lust, our ambivalence, and, well, you name it... 

Now I'll cut seekers some slack (cuz I happen to be one) and say that I believe there are genuinely well intentioned narcissists out there that have bought the turn-other-cheek Brooklyn Bridge and are begging to be ass-raped by the authorities so that they can feel smugly superior. But this isn't about them, or me, or you... It's about US and the U.S. So stuff your pictures of Jesus and Gandhi or whatever Molech you  pay homage to on your living room sofa watching Dancing With the Stars. 

Grab your credit cards and max them out on ammunition at your local Walmart while you still can. There'll be a poetic justice in it soon.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Abuse of Power in Anaheim

A few hours ago Anaheim police shot and killed a man named Manuel Diaz for non-compliance. These things happen. Perhaps they acted rashly. Thereafter, the crowd that gathered to protest chanted, "No justice, no peace!" 

No matter what happened to rouse the crowd, this video footage of police firing bean bag rounds into a crowd containing women and children is inexcusable. Other footage shows police releasing a canine attack dog into the same vulnerable crowd. It does not appear any weapons were drawn against the police officers. 

Check this out: 

From L.A. NowThe Anaheim police "are not judge, jury and executioner," Theresa Smith, whose son was fatally shot by Anaheim police in 2009, told the newspaper before Sunday's protest. "Nobody is given their due process, and it just seems like everything has gotten out of hand."

In revisiting the Second Amendment under fire... The founding fathers did not specify the "right to bear arms" for the occasion of home defense against criminals. They enunciated this right as a part of the dynamic system of checks and balances that makes our system work. "Government of the people, by the people, and for the people" demands an armed populace in the event of tyranny. An armed populace is the biggest failproof against corrupt executive, legislative, and judicial branches. These three balance each other and ultimately an armed populace guards against abuse from any of these three. The founding fathers understood first hand the tendency toward government corruption. They sought to arm the governed offering consent to the government as long as it did not become abusive.

The Anaheim Police are demonstrating executive abuse. Why were there no return shots fired? Why are we tolerating this? Who is going to save us from these abuses? If you think the government, local, state, or federal, plans to regulate itself any time soon... you deserve the abuse you are certain to receive. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dark Night and Gun Laws

The shooting in Aurora, Colorado early Thursday morning is disturbing for reasons beyond any sort of fragility or vulnerability attached to shooter or victims. It is disturbing beyond the tendril implications it holds for the rest of us trying to live a peaceful day to day. From what I’ve read the shooter appears to have been groomed and/or connected possibly to government agencies. This seems plausible given his weird surrender and his booby-trapped apartment dwelling. Who shoots that many people and then goes docile enough confess his sins before further bloodshed?
The shooting is disturbing because it immediately presents as a false flag to turn public opinion against small arms ownership.
The New York Times writes: The authorities said that in the last 60 days, Mr. Holmes had legally purchased four guns at local gun shops — an AR-15 assault rifle, two Glock .40-caliber handguns and a Remington 12-gauge shotgun — and acquired through the Internet more than 6,000 rounds of assorted ammunition.”
Note that word legally. This is a lead in for an associated article with a picture of Columbine memorial crosses: Colorado Gun Laws Remain Lax, Despite Some Changes. They are telling us a story about a crazy kid that used “normal guns” to slaughter a bunch of innocent people. The implication, straw dog that it is, is that if gun laws were tighter, lives would have been saved. The masses moved to mindless sentimental drivel are ready to give up their Second Amendment rights to prevent another one of these horrible incidents.
But the shooting in Aurora isn’t about lax gun laws. It’s about sociopathic behavior, at best, and an orchestrated conspiracy, at worst. If a crazy wants to make a mess, it will do so by any means its psychotic creativity will allow. Destroying our constitutional right to bear arms won’t make crazy stop. Crazy is cultural, social, nutritional, and genetic. Guns don’t make crazy.
On facebook in the PM after the incident, a friend of mine posted about her fear of going to see the movie. I commented that I’m not afraid because I carry. Well… I’m not afraid, and I carry… To which a gaggle of liberal witches spewing New Age bullshit about the Law of Attraction surrounded me and tried to burn me at the stake. Their logic was irrefutable as it was stupid, and so I left it alone.
But really? Now I’ve got both social and spiritual reasons to walk around vulnerable. Or maybe that’s just a vibe I’m putting off that will eventually attract a bullet. Be it karma or chaos that’s coming for me, you better believe I’ve got one in the chamber waiting for it.
So I went to see The Dark Knight Rises today, and I kept my Glock 23 and her lucky 13 babies real close throughout the movie – not out of fear, but on principle. I sat there amongst all those families, with the assured confidence that if some copycat crazy walked in, I could save a few lives.
However, the real assault came off the screen. The Dark Knight Rises is a perfect propaganda piece, and having seen it, I’m really inclined to believe the conspiracy theories emerging around the Aurora shooting. I won’t spoil the plot, but the film associates the Occupy movement with terrorists and paints them as reminiscent of French revolutionaries, replete with a corrupt court system for unjustly trying the rich. Bruce Wayne demonstrates that money trumps the law, and his fortune supported vigilantism frees the cops, stops the terrorists, and restores order to the anarchy that Gotham residents have created left to their own devices. The Batman controls the tap on justice, and the idiot throngs love him for it. They even build an idol for him in honor of his immense sacrifices.
The audience applauded as the end credits rolled, and I walked out of a Saturday matinee into a thunderstorm. As I drove away Stone Temple Pilots played their Interstate Love Song on my radio.