Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Enthusiastic Chat with Asa

me: Hi Asa!

Asa: hi

me: What are you up to, Brother?

Asa: what

me: What are you doing?

Asa: nothing

me: No, you are typing, and you are on the computer.

Asa: oh

me: So you are doing some things. Nothing is when every thing goes away.

Asa: yeah

me: The only time we do nothing is in deep dreamless sleep. When we are sleeping so soundly that our perception of time vanishes.

Asa: who cares

me: I care. It is important to be precise in our communications. There is power in precision.

Asa: i dont know what your talking about

me: In other words, it is good to use the right words at the right time. To say you are doing "nothing" when you are really doing "something" is a misuse of the power of words. Not everyone can use words. Only humans use words. So the quality of our words is the quality of our humanity.

Asa: whatever

me: Whatever? Do not dismiss me so quickly. Apathy is a road to misery.

Asa: ok

me: Develop your mind. Read big books. Learn a lot of words.

Asa: ok

me: Wealth and power and happiness grace those with a strong mind. Never say, "whatever".

Asa: why

me: "Whatever" means that you do not care. If you do not care then life will eat you. You must care. Even if it is only for one thing. Care.

Asa: ok

me: Care so much.

Asa: ok

me: You will have a lot of energy and strength if you care. Do not simply type "ok". Enthusiasm, my son! Look up that word - Enthusiasm! Find out what it means and discover its roots. Embody it and life will flow in and out of you like sweet water. 

Asa: i dont want to

me: Why not?

Asa: its boring

me: Enthusiasm is anything but boring.

Asa: ok

me: To be enthused is to vibrate the cells in your body at a very high rate.

Asa: ok

me: The highest enthusiasm is to move faster than light and to manipulate reality with your mind. Wizards and sorcerers are enthused.

Asa: ok

me: Warriors and avatars are enthused.

Asa: ok

me: Look it up, and become enthusiastic.

Asa: no

me: You know when you are really excited about something? As in when you get a new video game?

Asa: yeah

me: Or you are about to do something really fun? That feeling is "enthusiasm".

Asa: ok

me: What if you could feel enthusiasm all the time?

Asa: this is geting borring

me: What if you could feel enthusiasm all the time... for everything?

Asa: who cares

me: That's because you don't see what's happening right now!

Asa: ok

me: You are my son. Before you were conceived, I took genetic material from my body and put it inside of your mother. You grew there, inside of her! When you gained enough mass she pushed you from her body and you became separate from her! I was so happy that day. I was enthusiastic.

Asa: whatever

me: You were not here before. You were a dream, and now you are here, and we are talking, as father and son, across a great distance through the miracle of digital technology. It's a reason to be enthused!

Asa: whatever

me: Someday you will understand, and you will be in awe. But "whatever" is the road to ruin. It's a sad and selfish trip.

Asa: ok

me: It's me! It's you! There's a we, and we are chatting online! It's amazing!

Asa: i want to stop talking

me: (Technically you are typing.)

Asa: ok,i ant to stopw imean

me: But wow... Look at that you are pressing buttons made of petroleum by-product and making words for me to read!

Asa: i keet pressing the wrong bottons

me: Then stop! It's your choice! You can do what you please! It's fantastic! You have a will with wants!

Asa: ghjdfkiufdhgiurehgvjfhuighrfuivhiuotfghiu

me: Wel pfes teh riht wons!

Asa: fgufdhfre7tghuufd t uergduertfuydb ygrufuy v vgv g v gvg v gvg v gvg vg vg v gvjhb hvfcvjhv tfcvghvyfcg vfv ghvftc

me: lin mi sonyi olik psa;lknf rif

Asa: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

me: Oh my...

Asa: rfgbrfgvbrtghrtgfhqwqewtgbnfjvnfrijvbfdjvdfhuvgcjgeruy

me: So spontaneous! It's all just happening!

Asa: zqawxsecdrvftbgynhujmi,koolllpqazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnjmuik,ol.p;/

me: I don't understand your profound logic.

Asa: qazstryeghffffbv awwawawwaawwasefchcjgjg,hj,hjfkjgkgjhhuhuygybytdfyvhjbtvhbhvjkbhfhbvhvkjvghjvnvjhv,jvjhvhj

me: such nonsense! I love you, Asa.

Asa: ok !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me: That's the enthusiasm I'm talking about! Do you want to hang out tonight?

Asa: yeah

me: yeah or YEAH!!!

Asa: oooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me: Boo Yeah!!!

Asa: ok

me: I'll be by after work.

Asa: hjgfjythjgyhgyfbghghghghhghhhhhhugui45tyregfbdjt5ygrufh

me: oh numbers too?

Asa: laksjhdgueiwuddhhvgvcbcgbqazzzzzzzzwqwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmizqawsxedcrfvtgbyhxwsedcrfvtgbyhnujexdcrftvgybhxedcrftvgybhnjcrdftvgybhun

me: Is this spam or a secret message?

Asa: 12345678909876543234567876543234567654323456787654345678765456776545678876545684567898345678876545678987664678908765489076546789655678900876547890====================================================+++++++++++++++++++++++++++_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________----------------------------------------------

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