Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Trick or Gun Treaty

In case you haven't heard, the tragic Holmes shooting in Aurora occurred just weeks before the UN Gun Treaty is to be signed. 

Earlier this month, Larry Bell of Forbes spelled out the dangers of the ATT, specifically: the globalist treaty will force strict licensing requirements for firearms ownership; create an international gun registry; and mandate that all “unauthorized” firearms (including semi-automatic “assault” rifles) be confiscated and destroyed.
“In short, overriding our national sovereignty, and in the process, providing license for the federal government to assert preemptive powers over state regulatory powers guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment in addition to our Second Amendment rights,” Bell warns.

Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton also warns that the agreement “is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.”
A letter sent last month by 130 Republican House members to President Obama argued that the treaty should be rejected because it infringes on the “fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms”. The letter adds that “…the U.N.’s actions to date indicate that the ATT is likely to pose significant threats to our national security, foreign policy, and economic interests as well as our constitutional rights.”
Today, the Dark Knight himself, Christian Bale visited theater shooting victims at the Medical Center of Aurora.... as damn well he should. But as this entire affair progresses the line between fantasy and reality is blurring. Consider the Batman himself is anti-gun. The psychological impact of his parents' murders left him with a hatred of all things banging. He won't shoot one and destroys them regularly in his comic portrayals. So, again, he's the perfect patsy for this little charade to disarm the public. 
However, the situation seems to have backfired, at least temporarily, as background checks for gun purchases rose more than 41% following the early morning massacre. People are beginning to realize that they, not the authorities, are their own best line of defense. This trend is a natural extension of what nutrition enthusiasts have understood for years. You cannot trust your doctor with your health. You cannot trust the police with your safety. You cannot trust the government with... well... much of anything. We are on schedule for a new world order - A natural order some refer to as anarchy. If that word has negative connotations for you, I recommend a personal review of your programming. Civilization needs you to need it, and it is in the best interest of that egregore to make you scared of life without it.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told CNN's Piers Morgan last night that he doesn't "understand why police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say we’re going to go on strike, we’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe."

Earlier this year, The New York Times reprinted a Department of Justice press release and placed this lede on top of it: “As violent crime has decreased across the country, a disturbing trend has emerged: Rising numbers of police officers are being killed.”

This is patent horseshit
*In 2008, ten times more civilians regular people were killed by cops than cops were killed by perps.
*In 2011, 72 cops were shot and killed in the entire U.S.; in L.A. County alone, cops shot and killed 54 suspects the same year–22 percent of those people were unarmed.
*As Scott Reeder reported at Reason this morning, “Farmers, ranchers, commercial fishermen, loggers, garbage collectors, truck drivers, construction workers, pilots, steel workers, roofers, and others are far more likely to face death on the jobs than police or firefighters, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.”
*And as Choire Sicha wrote earlier this year, “2008 was the ten-year low for police officers being killed, and 2012 is, so far, year-to-date, down 49% from last year.”
In light of these statistics, I'd say the medicine is poisonous, but what else is new. The bottom line is that everything we're being sold is a lie. The Now we live in requires us to take 100% responsibility for our health, our safety, and our souls. It requires for good or ill that we are accountable for our role in the conditions that surround us, and it requires that we hold others to that same level of accountability. 

Anarchy is not the absence of rule... it is ultimately Self rule. Is there any other way considering the gross mismanagement all around us?

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