Thursday, August 30, 2012

The War of Art


Upon reading my last blog, someone with whom I am intimately related took moral issue with its content. This person criticized me for my fiscal irresponsibility and cited my rage, guilt, and hatred as being the root of that fiscal irresponsibility. This, of course, triggered my entire life-thus-far dilemma, wherein approval of my talent, skill, knack, and creativity has been confined within the parameters of social niceties and norms. All things provocative were immediately dismissed. In short, the execution of technique was the measure of art, and its tameness was its treasure.

I know this is all elemental, but I’m eyeball to eyeball with this monster right now so come with me or click away.

The college I attended was the epitome of this wretched philosophy. It was renowned as a fine arts school. The art students were able to replicate in paint or ink with near photographic precision. The English majors could construct and deconstruct sentence structure with rare eloquence. The musicians’ in depth knowledge of theory matched their instrumental and vocal technical prowess.

However, their repertoire of artistic subjects was limited to choice classical reproductions, religious doctrinal delineations, portraits, and still life mimicry. There was soul, but it was the strangled topiary soul that leers at us all today in the mainstream media, Hollywood, pop music, pornography, fast food, Walmart, Costco, suburbia, Ikea, fashion, orthodoxy, excuse me whilst I mop up my own stark vomit…
The content, flawlessly executed, was formulaic, contrived, G-rated, crucifixion fixated, unoriginal crap. Those who were critical of its deadness were judged as insensitive, while the orchestrated numbness pervaded the campus like a yeast infection.

The Witness

If art is not provocative it is dead. Forget art, if religion isn’t provocative it is dead. If we want to live we must challenge, confront, and grapple. We must terrorize and assault. Life is a narrow bridge. It is a battlefield. Creation is violent.

The ferocity with which we play with life merits our favor amongst the stars. See how the Sun burns against the blackness of space. The stars sing and hum with intent volition in light of all that darkness. The clouds do not drift; they swim hard against the variant barometric pressures. Trees and all green things force their claws against gravity. They dig their roots down in earnest. The animals burn in their presence. Their silence is ever ready to explode into snarls, shrieks, and the frantic efficacy of survival. All stones are fervent. Destruction is the foundation of existence.
Art’s provocation is a threat to outworn forms. It is as destructive as it is creative. It is the consuming fire that throws off heat and light.

Is my art irresponsible and immoral? I certainly hope so.

Keep watching.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tao in a Bottle

(Please strum to the tune of Jim Croce's Time in a Bottle)

If I could save Tao in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is charge thirty dollars
To take it with water -
Water too good to be true.
If I could unblock my own mingmen
If jade pillows could make dreams come true
I'd drink every day Three Treasures Tea and then,
Again, I would drink it with you
But there never seems to be enough jing
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've run around enough to know
That shen’s the stuff that I want to go
Through time with
If I could store chi in my belly
Conserve it and never cum too
My yin would be thrifty
My yang would by hefty
I’d endure every turn of the screw
But there never seems to be enough jing
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That shen’s the stuff that I want to go
Through time with

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Secret was Legitimate Rape

I was once asked by a devout liberal if I believed in a woman's "right to choose". I answered, "I don't have a uterus." Last time I checked I am still missing one and refuse to have an opinion about what to do with them. The subject simply is out of my jurisdiction.

What I do have an opinion about is men that have opinions about it.


So this asshole Todd Akin misspeaks, “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something: I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.”
Thank you, you sadistic scoundral. I'll bet she whimpered "No" over and over before the ruffie you dropped in her drink kicked in... I'll bet it happened more than once, and I'll bet this whole redefining rape effort is a great way to assuage your guilt about your entire college party career, you privileged douche.
Later he recants“In reviewing my off-the-cuff remarks, it’s clear that I misspoke in this interview, and it does not reflect the deep empathy I hold for the thousands of women who are raped and abused every year... I recognize that abortion, and particularly in the case of rape, is a very emotionally charged issue. But I believe deeply in the protection of all life, and I do not believe that harming another innocent victim is the right course of action.”

Mike Huckabee later opened his fat mouth and said, "Ethel Waters, for example, was the result of a forcible rape... I used to work for James Robison back in the 1970s, he leads a large Christian organization. He, himself, was the result of a forcible rape. And so I know it happens, and yet even from those horrible, horrible tragedies of rape, which are inexcusable and indefensible, life has come and sometimes, you know, those people are able to do extraordinary things."

... um... yeah... 

The Witness

On the other side of all these horrific comments is the belief that abortion is never right, when really abortion is none of our business as men. Sure it's our seed, but once we let fly, be it conscious, passionate, or hateful, we must relinquish control of it. 

But this is ultimately about a bigger issue: Men as expressions of self-consciousness want to control women as expressions of subconsciousness. The desire to control the womb is a desire to control the soul, and here is the fatal error that men make again and again. 

Remember The Secret? 
The Secret was complete trash, and I'll tell you why... 

The Secret leads the viewer to believe that we manifest from our conscious focus. This is only half true. Manifestation occurs from subconsciousness, from the soul, from the body. It occurs genetically and epigenetically. It does not occur through focus alone, but rather through focus upon the substance of the subconscious mind. The Hindu tradition refers to this as the movement of Parusha upon Prakriti.

The permutations of subconsciousness are due, in small part, to past focus, and these patterns compete below the surface until synthesis is reached and something entirely new is expressed. 

The point is that no matter what we consciously focus upon, what happens in the deep, and what crawls from it, is really beyond us. We cannot control these forces anymore than we can manipulate water with our hands, or micromanage the cellular changes that occur during the germination of a seed.

But we are trying to gain this level of control. This control sickness is at the root of GMO's, antibiotics, public education, television programming, media censorship, gene selection, micro-chipping, Obamacare, the NDAA, factory farming, fracking, open-pit mining, hormone therapy... ad nauseam... 

Man as an expression of self-consciousness needs to learn his role and be humble, or better yet, abide in a state of awe and wonder. We may sow the seeds, but once they leave our bag, they belong to nature. 

The issue here is not about abortion or women's rights or the preservation of life. It is about control, and the misguided movements of humanity upon Mother Nature. 

Keep watching.

Monday, August 20, 2012

By Zeus' Beard


As I mentioned here I made a single fated mistake that cost me everything. For those who know me, it ain't what you think. My moment of weakness had nothing to do with any pathetic social contract. Simply put: I shaved my beard.

The simple act of shaving initiated the fall of the first domino and a string of karmic causality ensued. My motivation for shaving was vanity. Vanity made me shave and vanity led to all manner of madness thereafter.

Heretofore and nary-a-whit I do vow by the beard of Zeus to never cut my hair or beard again for as long as I breathe. Though it cost me friend and fortune. Though it mark me menial amongst men and markets. Though I lose priority and position, I will never shave again.

The Witness 

Here's what I've learned about the power of beards:

To quote Leviticus 19:27, "You must not shave or cut the corners of the hairs of your head and you are not to trim the edge of your beard."

Now the context for this particular mitzvah was, in part, to contrast the ancient pagan custom of shaving the beard and the sides of the head. Those involved in this practice were death worshippers. Today this practice is observed by the military. 
These guys think they're praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophets, but they ain't. Not with haircare that way. They're praying to Death. Death and Hell... because "war is hell", as anyone who's been through that ritual sacrifice will tell you. 

But the "clean" shave and crewcut reminiscent of Orcas worship for soldiers is only part of the picture.

Our culture's pedophilial peter panism is also to blame for a land bereft of beards and men. The Romans used to shave and keep hair short. 
Rome degenerated into a culture of pleasure seeking game boys, who eventually met their end in a whimpering disintegration, spread as thin as their scruff across Europe. 

But enough criticism of man-boys and war-mongers...

What are the benefits of beardom?

According to James Freeman in speaking of the biblical Jewish beard, "The beard is considered a symbol of manhood, and, in some places, of freedom - slaves being compelled to shave their beards in token of servitude."
Beard as a symbol of freedom... hmmm... a beardless man signed the NDAA as I recall.
Aron Moss writes: "The beard is hair that grows down from the head to the rest of the body. It is the bridge between mind and heart, thoughts and actions, theory and practice, good intentions and good deeds. So we don't cut the beard, but rather let it flow freely, to open a direct flow from the ideals and philosophies of our minds into our everyday lifestyle."
Disassociation and cognitive dissidence are hallmarks in our beardless society.

By Sikhi Wiki: "Beard, in general, indicates the age of adults and, therefore, to put an adult to shame for any irresponsible or disgraceful act, it is always the beard that is mentioned and pointed at during the course of the rebukes. So, the people, especially the shopkeepers, who were accustomed to the irresponsible and disgraceful acts of malpractices, cheating, etc. got rid of the beard by shaving it off so that they could not be rebuked by the people pointing towards their beards. Thus, in the Arabian countries, Mohammad allowed the people to cut short their beards to such a length as could be grabbed by the hand so that in the extreme cases of irresponsible and disgraceful acts, the people could get hold of the beards of such bad characters not only to rebuke but also to jolt them by their beards. This cutting short of the beards and shaving off the moustaches under the nostrils in the Arabian countries is mainly based upon the scarcity of water so that the beard and the moustaches could easily be kept hygienically clean under such circumstances but now if there is no scarcity of water in those countries, the people should not cut their beards short and shave off the moustaches under the nostrils any more; otherwise they will be altering natural "Art" of Brahma without any tangible reasons based upon personal hygiene. Whereas the beard is used to rebuke and put the men to shame for the disgraceful acts, the moustaches are normally curled up during a challenge to an adversary who may dare to harm the family honour of the men."
But my favorite of explanations I've found was on where a character called Narasimha writes: "As one does spiritual sadhana, some shakti (can be translated as energy or purity) may be accumulated. However, certain egoistic actions make one lose some or all of the accumulated shakti. Long hair and beard trap some shakti and help avoid situations where one commits an action that results in a loss of all of one's shakti. They improve the control over senses in tricky situations. It is like a small railing atop a mountain. If one wanders off at night, those railings can stop one from falling. A small barrier can make a big difference at critical times. Beard and long hair are like that small barrier. Of course, a small railing cannot save a car driving at 70 mph from plunging down. But it can stop a person wandering at night. Similarly, beard and long hair are not sufficient for control over senses, but one who made a lot of progress and still struggling at some critical times can benefit significantly from long hair and beard."
And this brings me back to my original sin... I shaved and fell. 

Keep watching.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Brighter Side of the Dragon

Up until that point when the “glass ceiling of the mind shatters”, and “we know even as we are known”; “the faith becomes sight”; and there is “nothing left to do but laugh”, consciousness, as a pure state, is under perpetual attack by anything that can draw perception into the shadows cast by its own light.

Life is an echo chamber. We may enjoy it as such, or we may get lost in it, forgetting that it was we that cast off those first soundwaves so long ago. We sleep forgetting that these dreams originate in our minds.

This is the essence of Badger the Witness. It is a log of ghosts we have set forth, and it is an effort to reconcile those echoes with their source.

Sometimes those echoes reverberate in the collective. Sometimes they’re personal. This one’s personal.


Two years ago I entertained a thought for just a moment too long. That moment-fed thought grew into circumstances quickly out of my control. I lost everything I valued because of a moment’s indiscretion. I became an addict and a slave to habits I never thought I’d have to wrestle. By the time I could see clearly the situation had morphed far beyond my capacity to set it straight. My creation turned on me and devoured me.

Starving a monster from inside its belly isn’t easy. Thanks to love, I was able to take incremental steps toward that end until the beast keeled over, and I crawled from its corpse reeking of my own shit.

The Witness

The stars are always a little brighter on the other side of a dragon. The senses are a little keener. Blame’s a bit looser. One carries more soul for their suffering.

Like a kid who’s hurt his hand on a hot burner, I’d like to think I’ve learned. But life’s a tough lover, and change seems to be the only surety. Stoic, I’ll rebuild my edifice sturdier for my experience, knowing that lightning will strike again and again until I understand that I am that.

Keep watching.  

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Credit Cards: Carrot on a Stick Off a Cliff


Here's my situation - I don't make a lot of money. I've chosen a low-paying job I enjoy over a high-paying job I hate. I feel good about myself all day and sleep like a dog all night. I recently divorced, and in that process wracked up some credit card debt... not much, but enough that between paying off those cards, paying child support, paying rent, my car payment, I'm living paycheck to paycheck. Waiting for a windfall to get clear. Moreover, I owe the state government about $400 in back taxes. They've agreed to a payment plan where I send them $40 monthly, and they don't seize my account... which those paper pushers actually threatened to do.

So... I check the mail yesterday, and I've got a box full of credit card offers. Eight offers for at least $11,000 total. Two from citi blah blah that want me to register before they tell me what my credit line will be. Almost all these jokers offer me 0% financing the first 18 months before... bum bum bum... the variable 23% APR hits. I'll bet that variable only ever rises. I don't see this guy... 
...or these factory farmed fuckers... 
...waking up on any given Monday and saying, "Feeling peppy... Let's lighten up on our indentured slaves and lower the variable interest rates on their credit cards so they've got a shot at paying them off before their social security would have kicked in."

The Witness 

I don't have to play. The first step is kicking the chronic consumer habit. Yeah, Cold Steel's Two-Handed Great Sword would look great on the wall behind my front door and may come in handy against that raging swarm of bandit berserkers that may attack my village after that mother CME sinks the grid "any-day-now", and, yeah, Desert Rogue's Five-Pocket Black Leaf Leather Utility Burner Belt would be damn handy when I've got to hike across the San Rafael Valley with my pistol grip shotgun to locate a new waters source for my tribe following the "any-day-now" nuclear holocaust, but, groovy speculation aside, it's much more badass to live within my means instead of being a pay pal.
Here's a few tips for living large while curbing spending:

Meditation cools compulsion. It strengthens our capacity to witness our urges, without necessarily buying into them. Meditation builds self awareness. It's a little tougher to be a puppet when you meditate regularly, because meditation yields mental, and eventually spiritual, autonomy. Why do you think its illegal under tyrannical regimes?

Have more sex (... and don't pay for it). Draw it out. Make it last. Eat at the Y. Keep a scoreboard for numbers of orgasms, moral orals, or whatever your kink. Make loving a pastime. It'll bring you and your partner closer, make you healthier, expand your emotions, and save money.

Create things. Don't buy your life - make it up! It's really easy to import soul, but it's someone else's. Draw, paint, sing, write, dance, rap, doesn't matter. If you can't think of anything to do, go for a walk and collect cans and junk... fucking glue it together in the shape of a whale. Just do something new. Don't be a parasite.

Eat Simply
American's are fat and most are prediabetic. Don't be a hole. Be anabolic! Learn to savor simple, whole natural foods, like apples, kale, cucumbers, walnuts, and brown rice. Keep it organic. It costs more, but you'll need less of it to fuel up. You'll feel healthy and happy and have lots of energy for all that sex and art.

Learn How to Defend Yourself
Study martial arts. Internal, external, mixed, whatever, just learn how to defend yourself. Everyone should practice fighting. The world is a volatile place. Learn weapons too. It won't make you violent; it will make you confident and vital. It'll be handy when the proverbial feces hits the winnow.

There you have it. Don't fall prey to the credit card temptress. You'll be paying out the ass for years to come.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Proper Nouns are People Too

Those of us born north of World War II and especially those of us born in First World conditions have a hard time imagining a governmental regime that systematically slaughters its citizens. But if we consider the media propaganda we've all been fed, the corporate ad crap that's blasted at us daily, the cultural moral decay, and the statistics of the 20th Century, the math ads up. The fact that "statistics" exists as a science at all, shows the human capacity for the reduction of nouns, proper or pro, to numbers. "Demographics", "stereotypes", "corporations", "factions", "parties", etc. - all work in tandem to do one thing: objectify. This objectification is the source of all torture, slaughter, exploitation, commodification, in short, the reduction of life to objects. 

Face it: Someone, somewhere thinks you're expendable... 

... Not only do they think you're expendable, but they are taking active measures to exploit you. That exploitation may be chronic or acute, but you damn well better believe its happening. The good news is that it ain't personal. Remember you're just a number. 

The heart of this matter is widespread spiritual destitution. I'm not talking about deviation from religion, because religion objectifies it adherents and infidels just as readily as any corporate slug objectifies its market. I'm talking about a maturity of perception that understands our essential unity, and in that understanding is capable of empathy. Our leaders are disconnected. They cannot empathize with us. If they could empathize their daily decisions would be different. 

We've created an exploitative culture through materialistic reductionism. Why then should we expect anything less than martial law, psy ops, or police brutality. The power elite has long puppeted us through the banks, and now that the banks are failing, they will resort to all out fascism. 

Actions steps:

1) Meditate.

2) Make noise.

3) Train daily.

4) Ask yourself, "How do I objectify my fellow humans, animals, and even plants." And make an effort to see individuals, not collective bodies. In short, get personal.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Silly Rabbit... Tricks Are Four Gunmen

I'm getting mixed messages about the shootings at the Sikh temple in Wisconsin on Sunday morning.

Firstly, there is this:

The witness states that there were four gunmen, wearing dark clothing, that entered the temple and opened fire.

Here's another one:

The witness states that there were multiple gunmen, and that gas had been released in a "well-orchestrated" attack.

Now check out the "official" story ala CBS:

The shooter is now singular. It was a hate crime. The FBI will investigate a possible domestic terror tie.

Watch that word "domestic terror". We're going to hear that phrase thrown around a great deal in the coming years. "Domestic terror" will necessitate military occupation of U.S. cities. We've been groomed for this for many years now. Check out the U.S. Army’s Operating Concept 2016-2028, issued in August 2010. 

Break your television. It's a box of tricks.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Of Sikhs and Sirius

The suspect in a shooting that left six people dead at a Sikh temple in suburban Milwaukee on Sunday has been identified as Wade Michael Page. 

Authorities confirmed to CBS News on Monday that Page was the suspect in the shooting. He was killed outside the temple in a shootout with police officers after the rampage that left terrified congregants hiding in closets and others texting friends outside for help. 

Multiple sources tell CBS News that Page was a former member of the U.S. military, but he was no longer serving actively. It was not immediately clear under what circumstances Page left the military. 

Officials had previously described the suspect as a heavy-set, 40-year-old Caucasian with numerous tattoos. 

Sources tell CBS News some unspecified evidence suggests race or ethnicity may have played a role in the violence, but no links to extremist groups have been confirmed. 

Local police called the attack an act of domestic terrorism, but other sources tell CBS News correspondent Bon Orr it may be more accurate to refer to “an investigation into a possible hate crime.” 

Neither the local nor the federal sources provided further details or suggested a possible motive, including whether the suspect specifically targeted the Sikh temple. 
CBS News correspondent Ben Tracy reports Page is only believed to have lived at the residence for two weeks, according to neighbors. 
Suspect Lived on Holmes Avenue 

In other Holmes news: Colorado Movie Theater Massacre:

Law enforcement personnel from various departments and agencies are on the scene at E. HOLMES AVE. in Cudahy, where police were searching a house after Sunday’s mass shooting. 

The president of the temple, Satwant Singh Kaleka, 65, was shot while trying to tackle the gunman, CNN reported. Kaleka, a married father of two adult sons, later died, his family told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 

Kaleka’s son, Amardeep, said he got a call from his father’s cell phone soon after the shooting broke out. It was a priest telling him his father had been shot. 

Link to documentary trailer here:

Sikh Temple Shooter Served in U.S. Army Psychological Operations Unit 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Death Eats War

Imagine a metaphysical plot so insidious, so long-standing, so woven into the very fiber of our DNA, so hidden in plain view that we boil in it all day every day without any self conscious consideration of its impact on our lives or our very souls...

Imagine that evolution, in general, has been, for billions of years, influenced one way or another, organism by organism, species by species, genus by genus, family by family, order by order, by a host of intelligent forces so complex and powerful as to appear god-like. Imagine that these forces functioned and function still beyond the perception of our immediate senses.

Imagine that these forces are divergent, with agendas at variance, vying for various commodities within the consciousness of the evolving beings. Perhaps one faction seeks to cultivate certain properties within a species, while another faction seeks to cultivate opposite properties within the same species. Perhaps those factions struggle for control of a given species toward the cultivation of their preferred traits.

Imagine if the survival of a given species may be credited, in large part, to the benefic support of invisible forces. Imagine if the extinction of a given species may be credited, in large part, to the malefic opposition of invisible forces.

Imagine that humans are the crest of the evolutionary wave and represent the fruition of countless eons of supernatural influence upon responsive genetic material mainly through the agency of thought. For to manipulate the mind is to, subsequently, manipulate genetic expression. Consider that genetic manipulation is the manipulation of the substantial foundations of life expression.

Imagine that from the dawn of human history the ferocity of the battle for the human mind intensified to a degree that specific interventions occurred amounting to power grabs by one side or another. For imagine that, generally speaking, there are forces that seek to enslave and feed off humanity, as humans feed off the meat and milk of cattle in a stockyard, and that, simultaneously, there are forces that seek to uplift the human mind and biological organism to ever increasing levels of comprehensive scope and expression.

Imagine that there are humans enlisted by both supernatural sides to function in the world toward both ends. Imagine that those that serve humanity's evolution toward self mastery are those that have encouraged the collective over the millennia toward health, happiness, compassion, love, kindness, creativity, and peace - in essence, life. Imagine that those that serve humanity's degeneration toward slavery are those that have encouraged the collective over the millennia toward disease, immorality, hatred, selfishness, misery, and war - in essence, death.

Imagine a fraternity of darkness, whose sole purpose is to perpetuate ignorance, famine, war, and disease, by consistently and nefariously undermining the needs of the human collective through its cultural agencies. Imagine a fraternity of light, whose sole purpose is to perpetuate science, nutrition, peace, and health, by consistently and tirelessly supporting the needs of the human collective through its cultural agencies. Imagine that most of this struggle occurs invisibly, but much of it occurs at government levels.

Imagine that most wars are orchestrated, most famines are manipulated, most diseases are cultivated, and that most stupidity is calculated. Imagine, for example, a sinister fraternity, called the Brotherhood of Death, whose German incarnation, the Thule Society, produced Hitler, and whose American incarnation, Yale's Skull and Bones, produced the first and second Bush presidencies. Imagine that this Brotherhood of Death could be traced back to Orcas and Pluto (death) worship in ancient Babylon and Greece. Perhaps most war has been organized for the purpose of mass blood-letting, in the tradition of human sacrifice, to feed supernatural forces that live off life-force. Imagine that the humans that work for these forces appeal to primal, tribal memories in the human psyche to enlist young men primed for the sacrifice.

Perhaps the gods sort through their bones, eat their anima, and multiply accordingly...

Does this sound crazy?