Thursday, August 30, 2012

The War of Art


Upon reading my last blog, someone with whom I am intimately related took moral issue with its content. This person criticized me for my fiscal irresponsibility and cited my rage, guilt, and hatred as being the root of that fiscal irresponsibility. This, of course, triggered my entire life-thus-far dilemma, wherein approval of my talent, skill, knack, and creativity has been confined within the parameters of social niceties and norms. All things provocative were immediately dismissed. In short, the execution of technique was the measure of art, and its tameness was its treasure.

I know this is all elemental, but I’m eyeball to eyeball with this monster right now so come with me or click away.

The college I attended was the epitome of this wretched philosophy. It was renowned as a fine arts school. The art students were able to replicate in paint or ink with near photographic precision. The English majors could construct and deconstruct sentence structure with rare eloquence. The musicians’ in depth knowledge of theory matched their instrumental and vocal technical prowess.

However, their repertoire of artistic subjects was limited to choice classical reproductions, religious doctrinal delineations, portraits, and still life mimicry. There was soul, but it was the strangled topiary soul that leers at us all today in the mainstream media, Hollywood, pop music, pornography, fast food, Walmart, Costco, suburbia, Ikea, fashion, orthodoxy, excuse me whilst I mop up my own stark vomit…
The content, flawlessly executed, was formulaic, contrived, G-rated, crucifixion fixated, unoriginal crap. Those who were critical of its deadness were judged as insensitive, while the orchestrated numbness pervaded the campus like a yeast infection.

The Witness

If art is not provocative it is dead. Forget art, if religion isn’t provocative it is dead. If we want to live we must challenge, confront, and grapple. We must terrorize and assault. Life is a narrow bridge. It is a battlefield. Creation is violent.

The ferocity with which we play with life merits our favor amongst the stars. See how the Sun burns against the blackness of space. The stars sing and hum with intent volition in light of all that darkness. The clouds do not drift; they swim hard against the variant barometric pressures. Trees and all green things force their claws against gravity. They dig their roots down in earnest. The animals burn in their presence. Their silence is ever ready to explode into snarls, shrieks, and the frantic efficacy of survival. All stones are fervent. Destruction is the foundation of existence.
Art’s provocation is a threat to outworn forms. It is as destructive as it is creative. It is the consuming fire that throws off heat and light.

Is my art irresponsible and immoral? I certainly hope so.

Keep watching.

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